Availability and Costs
The House is available to rent by family and close friends from Mid May to Mid September. The rent which is payable in NKr is based on up to 4 people for 7 nights. Additional people and/or nights are calculated pro rata but there is maximum of 6 people for more than 2/3 nights due to wear and tear. We have made a lot of improvements recently but the house itself is very old and needs constant maintenance. The current rate for those coming from England during the peak season (normally mid June to end of August) is 4,900Nkr for 7 nights which includes all electricity. For prices for Norwegian residents and prices in the off peak season, please e mail Karen. Visitors are asked to leave the house as they would like to find it, and to wash all bed linen and towels before they leave. They are also asked to contribute to the maintenance and upkeep of the house in whatever way they feel able to do.
The availability for 2025 is always changing so please check with Karen
Availability should be checked with Karen on karen.pat.ellam@gmail.com